Leaders in Home Health Care
At Let Elaine Help, we believe that compassion and patience make a world of difference when it comes to providing quality home health care. Each day, our staff provides top of the line home care services to patients all throughout the San Francisco area. Contact us today and consult with any of our qualified experts.

Physical Therapist
Charlie McMann is the most senior Physical Therapist at Let Elaine Help. Charlie McMann is an incredibly valued asset to our team and our business would not be possible without such professional guidance.

Registered Nurse
A superb and experienced employee, Jordan Parker has been improving the health of San Francisco area home care patients since joining us in 2000. The health of you or your loved ones is in good hands when Jordan Parker is by your side.

Administrative Assistant
Taylor Quill is a superstar Administrative Assistant. Since joining us, Taylor Quill has been responsible for assessing the home health needs of patients and developing care plans with families. Your health is in good hands with our expert staff.